Summit attendees must pre-register for Pre-Conference Workshops. The registration fee for a 2-hour workshop is $50 unless otherwise noted. Click here for instructions on adding a workshop to your registration.
Linking the Local Health Department with Businesses for Building Preparedness in Small or Rural Communities
Tuesday February 16th, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: M301
Session Number: 465
A 2009 survey conducted by the National Association of County and City Health Officials indicates small/medium size or rural local health departments (LHDs) often face significant challenges in linking with their local business community in planning and responding to public health emergencies or natural and manmade disasters. Based on experience at the Public Health-Seattle and King County (WA) and Tarrant County (TX) Advanced Practice Centers (APCs), this interactive session will focus on identifying similar needs amongst session attendees followed by recommendations and application of specific tools developed by both APCs for helping LHDs address the engagement of local businesses not only for planning, but ongoing engagement to support public health efforts, including Medical Reserve Corps, surveillance, workforce education, and other front-line public health initiatives.
Registration Fee: $50
Fundamentals of Volunteer Management for Public Health Professionals
Tuesday February 16th, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: M302/M303
Session Number: 474
Public health leaders are expected to wear many hats as part of their day-to-day job responsibilities. One of these hats may be to serve as a manager or coordinator of volunteers. This workshop will offer a basic framework for volunteer program management, provide an approach for identifying and formalizing volunteer roles, and suggest community resources that can support volunteer management efforts. Presenters will provide strategies on how to recruit volunteers and keep them engaged and motivated. This interactive workshop will encourage participants to explore the issues faced by volunteer administrators and gain an understanding of best practices that focus on public health. Participants will have the opportunity to create management tools they can use in their individual programs. This session will also explore strategies for addressing performance issues when volunteers fail to meet expectations.
Registration Fee: $50
Laboratorians Working Together to Enhance the Nation's Biological and Chemical Threat Preparedness
Tuesday February 16th, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: International 8/9
Session Number: 476
This session will combine both the biological and chemical preparedness sections of the laboratory. Many public health hazards seen on a day –to- day basis do not fit neatly into one section of the laboratory and require a more all-hazards approach. The first segment of the presentation will feature data and stories collected from the 2009 Association of Public Health Laboratories all-hazards survey. This year’s key findings will be conveyed to the audience and trends will be described. The second and main focus of the presentation will use stories to paint the picture of the level of preparedness at state public health laboratories (SPHLs), depict advances in laboratory facilities and equipment, describe new detection and reporting capability and capacity, portray novel partnerships in training and response, and show public health emergency response in action. The second section of the presentation will focus on the chemical side and give actual exercises that help support the earlier conclusions from the data and stories. It will feature hands-on exercises that parallel the scope of a potential event and provide an opportunity to test the current operational plans and improve the effectiveness of implementing these plans. Specifically it will focus on the results from three exercises performed over the past two years: two large-scale exercises within a single network and one larger scope exercise involving multiple agencies and networks. Ultimately, the stories will enhance the attendee’s knowledge of SPHLs’ activities and reinforce the need to continue funding for laboratory preparedness.
Registration Fee: $50
All Hazards Approach to Evacuation
Tuesday February 16th, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: International 4/5
Session Number: 490
Presenters will walk the audience through the Program of evacuation from inception to deployment. The panel will discuss the All-Hazards Approach Program and how it applies to hospital evacuation, mass casualty transport, mortuary affairs, and surge capacity. This presentation will also focus on joint training, program sustainability, and expansion.
Sponsored by First Line Technology, LLC
The Benefits and Advantages of Stockpiling, Distributing, and Dispensing Prepackaged Mass Medical Countermeasures
Tuesday February 16th, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: International 6/7
Session Number: 492
Serving the largest county in the nation, the Los Angeles County EMS Agency presents a unique perspective on the implementation of best-in-class first response systems. In this workshop, members of the Disaster Preparedness Unit of the Los Angeles County EMS Agency will discuss their decision process, advantages, and the benefits of choosing to use prepackaged units of medication for distribution, and the dispensing of antibiotic medications to first responders. A hands-on demonstration will be conducted to illustrate the difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of dispensing prepackaged medication versus the strategy of traditional bulk storage/count-and-pour as needed.
Sponsored by Dispensing Solutions