a Proposal
Call for Session Abstracts
Click Here to submit a proposal
The 2007 Summit Planning Committee is currently accepting proposals for the 2007 Public Health Preparedness Summit until August 31, 2006. The 2006 Summit attracted over 1500 public health preparedness professionals from local, state, and Federal health agencies, public health associations, academic institutions, and corporations. The 2007 Summit is expected to be even larger, involving public health professionals from across the country and around the world.
Presenters are asked to share material that will provide Summit participants with public health preparedness strategies and solutions, including both “lessons learned” or “things to avoid” from a local, state, and/or Federal public health perspective. All presentations are required to adopt an interactive, participatory format to engage session participants.
Presenters are asked to select a preferred session type, a programmatic topic or “track,” and indicate if the material to be presented is basic/introductory or advanced. Presentations that are accepted will be asked to prepare learning objectives in accordance with the standards set by national CEU administering organizations.
Bright Ideas Breakfast Roundtable Sessions are designed to be informal, interactive, or question and answer sessions on a specific topic or issue. They may include feedback on programmatic ideas, sessions to develop action agendas or policy statements, as well as affinity group meetings on specific interests or issues. The roundtables will take place on Thursday, February 22nd from 7:30am to 8:45am.
Two different poster sessions will be featured throughout the Summit.
The “From the States” poster session will feature local and state preparedness programs and highlight the presentations in a special “Hall of States” area in the Exhibit Hall. This session will be used to display innovative practices, award winning programs, share documents, exchange ideas, and ask questions. Posters will be displayed throughout the Summit when the Exhibit Hall is open, and a special Hall of States reception will take place on Thursday, February 22nd at which poster presenters will be asked to be available to answer questions about the material displayed.
The “Strategies and Solutions” poster session will take place throughout the meeting. Exact session times will be determined based on the number of proposals received.
Programmatic Categories or “Tracks”
All presentation proposals, regardless of type, should be categorized into one of the following program areas or “tracks”:
- Partnering for Preparedness Thematic Presentations
highlighting effective strategies and solutions for developing, managing, and sustaining partnerships between public health agencies and partners, emergency managers, fire services, law enforcement, allied health professionals, school systems, businesses, public works agencies, airport authorities, mass transit authorities, voluntary associations, faith-based organizations, community groups and other critical players in an integrated community response
- Pandemic Influenza presentations on current local, state, and Federal issues such as pandemic influenza planning and avian influenza preparedness
- Preparedness Planning presentations describing how effective planning partnerships were developed, how to plan for vulnerable populations, how to plan for populations with special healthcare needs, joint planning between public health and healthcare organizations, multi-jurisdictional planning strategies, hazard and risk assessment processes, continuity of operations planning, cross-border planning initiatives, and international planning activities
- Laboratory Preparedness & Response presentations including both biological & chemical laboratory topics
- Surveillance & Epidemiology presentations including successful strategies and solutions in syndromic surveillance and technologies that support epidemiological response activities
- Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) presentation including Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) and other related initiatives from local, state, and Federal program staff and partners
- Communicating in a Crisis presentations focusing on risk communication, crisis communications strategies, and techniques and technologies for effective communications before, during, and after an emergency
- Evaluating Preparedness & Response presentations that describe the development of performance metrics, readiness indicators, benchmarks, and exercise design and evaluation strategies
- Continuing Education, Training and Workforce Development presentations highlighting strategies and solutions for training program development, needs assessment development, preparedness competency development, distance learning techniques and tools
- Legal Aspects of Preparedness including presentations on the legal issues involved in preparedness, model laws and statues, and the legal aspects of a public health emergency
- Skills-Building presentations including grants management techniques, program management skills, supervision and team-building strategies, leadership development, management techniques, strategies for working with elected officials, managing the media, and other skills-building sessions for preparedness professionals
- Technology presentations showcasing the use of technology in prepared ness and response activites
- Environmental Health and preparedness linkages between environmental health practice and public health activity